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One Piece Chapter 769 – Embrace Of Death

One Piece chapter 769 - Doflamingo VS Law

Doflamingo is quite the guy being able to handle himself with such composure despite having a hole in his abdomen

Even with a hole through his abdomen, Doflamingo still handles himself like nothing is wrong. Either Doflamingo doesn’t feel the injury he just sustained, which is highly unlikely, or Doflamingo is just an incredibly great actor and holds himself in manner that fools his opponent into perceiving that he is fine. Law definitely did manage to injure Doflamingo but Doflamingo is able to read Law so well that when Doflamingo isn’t distracted, he is able to defend against all of Law’s attacks despite his injuries. Doflamingo has been able to regain the flow of the battle and now has Law at his mercy, whom he intends to reward with the embrace of death. With Luffy about to return to the top of the Royal Palace, it will be interesting to see what Doflamingo ends up doing.

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One Piece Chapter 764 – Donquixote Rosinante

One Piece chapter 764 - Rosinante reveals his intentions

I can completely see why Rosinante became such an important to Law now, he is such a lovable character

What an unbelievably lovable character Rosinante is, even though Doflamingo and he suffered through the same childhood, the way they both developed were completely different. Rosinante was able to rise above his rage and move on from the pain inflicted on him by those wanting revenge on the Tenryuubito, Doflamingo on the hand, became consumed by his rage and embraced the madness he saw in humans when they made him suffer, ultimately vowing to return the suffering back onto them. Seeing Rosinante try so hard to save Law, I can’t help but fall in love with his character. Knowing that Doflamingo eventually takes out Rosinante is inducing immense sadness in my heart, what a tragic chapter it will be when Doflamingo kills his own brother.

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One Piece Chapter 763 – The Madness Of Humans

One Piece chapter 763 - the madness of humans

When does it end?

It is saddening to see what circumstance can do to individuals and their treatment of others humans. The Tenryuubito molded by their circumstance of being rulers imposed their superiority over others without a care, this is turn molded their victims (normal humans) by the suffering they experienced at the hands of the Tenryuubito. The victims of the Tenryuubito in turn expressed their rage and despair onto the fallen Tenryuubito molding them into vessels of revenge too. The chain of madness embracing humans continues even further towards a seemingly never-ending bottom. Doflamingo, the victim of people’s rage towards the Tenryuubito expressed his rage onto the people of Dressrosa, which in turn made the Dressrosa citizens express their rage and anger onto the Riku Family, namely Rebecca.

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One Piece Chapters 624-628 – Otohime, The Queen Who Inspired The Hearts Of Her People

One Piece - Queen Otohime coloured by Deiviscc

The hearts of a nation moved by their love for their Queen

Oh One Piece, I can’t win against you, you always find a way into my heart and invoke the tears out of me with your moving and impacting characters. Fisher Tiger’s story and the story about Queen Otohime was amazing.

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