
A space for the endless

Stellar Blade poster - Eve, Adam and Lily

Stellar Blade Demo

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Stellar Blade poster - Eve, Adam and Lily

The Stellar Blade demo was exhilarating. The combat feels so satisfying when you nail the dodge, block, parry and counter mechanics. More so when you are able to do it consecutively. Stellar Blade is not a game where you can just merely attack enemies but one where you HAVE to learn about enemy mechanics and how to counter them, specifically bosses whom punish you tremendously for haphazardly structuring your assault against them. A lot of attention is required when observing the enemy motions and foreshadowing movements. It’s a combat system that rewards familiarity, effort and perseverance. Can’t wait for the full game release on the 26th April.

As for the platform elements, I enjoyed it a lot. There is enough in the maps that allows you to want to explore and unlock the traversal puzzles present in specific regions. And like with NIKKE, there are diary/record entries located on the bodies of deceased inhabitants of the region that colours in more of the world and the situations they found themselves in the past. It contributes nicely to the world building and the progression of dread with the world being dominated by the Naytibas (enemy faction).

How I defeated the first boss (Abaddon)

Also as expected, I see the Blade & Soul DNA within Stellar Blade’s combat, especially with how Eve counters. Very Blade Master reminiscent from Blade & Soul. Dodging also feels like NieR, Bayonetta and Breath of the Wild during combat. Pretty much if you enjoy BnS, Ninja Gaiden, Bayonetta, BotW, Sekiro, Devil May Cry, NieR, Code Vein and action combat in general, you will like Stellar Blade’s combat. Even though I have the games, I haven’t play many Souls games apart from a few hours in Elden Ring, so I can’t compare the combat there with Stellar Blade.

Incredibly excited to play Stellar Blade when it official launches in just under a day! I’m confident in Shift Up’s capabilities and what I’ve seen and experienced in the demo only fortifies that belief. I very much believe Stellar Blade is a game worth checking out for the PS5 for those that enjoy action-combat.

How I defeated the Stalker Boss in the demo

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